
Research ethics training of trainers: Developing capacity of Bolivian health science and civil society leaders

Aalborg A, Sullivan S, Cortes J, Basagoitia A, Illanes D, Green M (2016)

What is this about

Altmetrics is an alternative, online based approach to research metrics, as opposed to traditional ones, such as h-index or impact factor [1]

What is this about?

“All trials registered, all results reported.” The AllTrials campaign is aiming towards publication of all of the results, from all clinical trials, on all treatments used (1). Their goal is to make this a reality for present, but also for past and future clinical trials. They launched in 2013, as an initiative of Ben Goldacre, BMJ, Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, Cochrane Collaboration, James Lind Initiative, PLOS and Sense about Science.

What is this about?

“All trials registered, all results reported.” The AllTrials campaign is aiming towards publication of all of the results, from all clinical trials, on all treatments used (1). Their goal is to make this a reality for present, but also for past and future clinical trials. They launched in 2013, as an initiative of Ben Goldacre, BMJ, Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, Cochrane Collaboration, James Lind Initiative, PLOS and Sense about Science.

What is this about?

“All trials registered, all results reported.” The AllTrials campaign is aiming towards publication of all of the results, from all clinical trials, on all treatments used (1). Their goal is to make this a reality for present, but also for past and future clinical trials. They launched in 2013, as an initiative of Ben Goldacre, BMJ, Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, Cochrane Collaboration, James Lind Initiative, PLOS and Sense about Science.

For whom is this important

Gono asd   phd students researchers

Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur
  • Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor
  • Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet
  • Rutrum faucibus auctor vivamus sagittis
  • Lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur
  1. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor
  2. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet
  3. Rutrum faucibus auctor vivamus sagittis
  4. Lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus

Thematic page

What is this about?

“All trials registered, all results reported.” The AllTrials campaign is aiming towards publication of all of the results, from all clinical trials, on all treatments used (1). Their goal is to make this a reality for present, but also for past and future clinical trials. They launched in 2013, as an initiative of Ben Goldacre, BMJ, Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, Cochrane Collaboration, James Lind Initiative, PLOS and Sense about Science.

What is this about?

“All trials registered, all results reported.” The AllTrials campaign is aiming towards publication of all of the results, from all clinical trials, on all treatments used (1). Their goal is to make this a reality for present, but also for past and future clinical trials. They launched in 2013, as an initiative of Ben Goldacre, BMJ, Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, Cochrane Collaboration, James Lind Initiative, PLOS and Sense about Science.

What is this about?

“All trials registered, all results reported.” The AllTrials campaign is aiming towards publication of all of the results, from all clinical trials, on all treatments used (1). Their goal is to make this a reality for present, but also for past and future clinical trials. They launched in 2013, as an initiative of Ben Goldacre, BMJ, Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, Cochrane Collaboration, James Lind Initiative, PLOS and Sense about Science.

What is this about?

“All trials registered, all results reported.” The AllTrials campaign is aiming towards publication of all of the results, from all clinical trials, on all treatments used (1). Their goal is to make this a reality for present, but also for past and future clinical trials. They launched in 2013, as an initiative of Ben Goldacre, BMJ, Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, Cochrane Collaboration, James Lind Initiative, PLOS and Sense about Science.


  • (1) Wilkinson, M. D. et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Sci. Data 3:160018 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.18 (2016).
  • (2) Ivi, p. 1
  • (3) The FAIR Data Principles (FORCE 11 discussion forum) [consulted on 02/01/2018]. Available at: https://www.force11.org/group/fairgroup/fairprinciples